13th European Pesticide Residues Workshop – Pesticides in Food & Drink


On behalf of the EPRW 2020 Scientific and Local Organising Committees, I would like to invite you warmly to the 13th European Pesticide Residues Workshop, which will take place in Granada, Spain, from 11th to 15th of May 2020, under the patronage of the University of Almería and the University of Granada.

The European Pesticide Residue Workshop (EPRW) – hosted every second year in a different European city – has become, after twelve successful editions, the premier meeting for the presentation and discussion of the latest concepts and developments in the area of pesticide residues in food and drink. EPRW 2020 will put together more than 500 experts from all over the world, coming from official and private food control laboratories, regulatory bodies, health and agricultural authorities, universities and research institutes, analytical equipment industry, food producers and distributors, agrochemical manufactures, consumers associations, and other interested parties, to update and exchange the  information and experience in all the fields related to the evaluation and control of pesticides residues.

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